Women's Day -- March 5, 2004
6-Kilometre race to raise awareness of BREAST CANCER.
Click here to see an LA Times clipping about
Donna Duncan Varieties
My Biography

When I graduated I knew that I wanted to see the world. I set off on a student tour of 13 European countries and on my way back, stopped in Paris to see classmate Dani Boyriven. I had planned on staying there a while but my fate was otherwise. Instead I took a train back to Spain where I worked, studied, danced flamenco and lived in a convent. A year later a friend asked me to accompany her on vacation and soon we found ourselves in north Africa where I have been ever since. I met a wonderful Moroccan whose name rhymes with peace " Driss" and married him.

We have 4 children who all graduated from American universities (UCLA, UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC Berkeley, Harvard and U of Hawaii). They each lived in the states 7 - 11 years but then returned to Casablanca where we all reside in more or less the same neighborhood. We have 7 grandchildren. The older ones attend French and American schools here. Three years ago I took 2 of them to visit Burbank and more specifically Brighton St. The owner of my mother's former house took us on a tour of it where my grandkids were highly impressed with the Harvey Davidson decor in the bedroom. "Wow!", said they, "your mom was really cool!" I try to be a cool grandmother to them too. These days it's down to playing ping pong and dancing the samba. We have a turtle named Sam (short for Son of Sam) and recently inherited a collie much to our neighbors' dismay. To keep him quiet, we practically have to let him sleep in our room.

I started my working career in Morocco by opening an English language school, moved on to an overseas branch of the University of Maryland and then spent 33 years working full time in the professional training center of Royal Air Maroc, a second family for me. Thanks to my job, my entire family has traveled a lot. We speak several languages.

I am presently president of the American International Women's Club of Casablanca - for at least the tenth time. We distribute about $50,000 annually for charity and development projects from local fund raising. After one of my students had a terrible accident leaving him paralyzed, he and I founded an association for the disabled.. Mostly thanks to telethons it has grown into a large rehabilitation center and has branches throughout Morocco. For two years I was vice president of the Federation of American Women's Clubs Overseas (representing 20,000 people worldwide) and thanks to whom, Carol was able to find me. I have just returned from a FAWCO conference in Florence, Italy. I organized 2 international conferences in Morocco.

Since I retired 7 years ago, I have been going to the beach every morning bright and early and walking or jogging a few miles in the waves. I am absolutely addicted to this! When I was young, going to the beach was such a huge expedition. Have I missed Burbank? I used to visit my family once a year with my kids and my parents came to Morocco on several occasions. I have always been so busy, there was no time for regrets. I guess Mr. Browning's drama classes helped me immensely through life. My mother's encouragement did too. I thank God for my wonderful family (including in-laws), the same friends I have had over the years and for planting me here and letting me bloom.